Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Another workout...

So, I didn't do the homework and I am paying this morning. Of course, if I had done the homework, I would have been paying yesterday and today, probably. It is really hard to get in shape. If I did not have a person encouraging me, waiting on me to come to her house to workout and asking me what we were going to do the next time...I would not be following through on this. It reminds so much of what Pastor Kris just said this past weekend about needing a group to keep us accountable....he is so right, we need people around in so many of areas of our lives. I can assure you that if it were not for Mindy, I would not have worked out 3 times in the past week...I thank God for her, it is good for me to finally be working on becoming more healthy. This experience is just a good reminder how important a growth group can be to every person.

1 comment:

Tonya said...

I've also been convicted in finding someone to keep me accountable for things like staying in shape, eating right, and reading my Bible. I've had many friends do this for me in the past and I'm excited to see who can help me through this season of my life.