Monday, June 16, 2008

Where did the weekend go?

Do you ever have those weekends that go by so fast that you are still wondering on Monday if you even had a weekend? I just had one of those. My Sunday was a complete blurr. Even today I was still very out of it. Brighton is off to camp and Dwayne left today for his business trip in St. Louis, so the girls and I were very out of it. They had spent yesterday with their dad swimming at his parent's house all day and they kept complaining of sunburns. I spent the majority of yesterday driving and then I had to drive again today...that was enough for me for awhile.

It looks like this week will be spent cleaning house. Not sure how it worked out that all the guys are gone and only us girls are here to do all the cleaning...not fair. The realtor came by tonight to put out the open house sign for this Sunday. I must admit, I am feeling nervous again. This will be the first real thing we have done towards selling the house since we signed the papers to put the house on the market. It seems that we are told by someone new every week how much we would be missed if we moved. It seems to be harder to think about moving the longer this all goes on. I would have rather had it done quickly, this dragging out thing is hard. I keep meeting, getting to know new people all the time, and so it can cause me to think we should just stay here. But then I have to remind myself, it is not about what I want, it about what God's plan is for my family...where ever that may be.

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