Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Locks of Love

My daughters decided to give their hair away to Locks of Love. Dora was needing a hair cut, because her hair is so thick that it is too hot in the summertime to keep it long and Tobi has never really had her hair cut and was just wanting it cut. So, I told them both about Locks of Love and how their hair could be used to make a wig for a child who doesn't have hair. They both decided that is what they wanted to do, but they were a little surprised when I told them just how short they would have to go. Very short indeed! I reminded them that it is just hair and it will grow back for them, and it will be a blessing for who ever gets their hair. They asked me if I was going to do it as well, since I have even more hair to give, but I told them no. Then I thought more about it, and it is just hair, right? So....I decided if my little girls could be so giving, so could I. Anyways, here are the before and after photos of the girls. Our friend Matt, a jack of all trades, was a hair stylist years ago, so he had the honor of cutting all our hair last night.

Tobi before...

Tobi during...
Tobi done...

Dora before...

Dora during...

Dora done...
Now, Sari did not have enough to give away. You need at least 10 inches to give and she is at only about 8 or 9 inches. She really wanted a quick trim and bangs, so Matt gave Sari a really nice look.

Sari during...

Sari done...
Now like I said...I could not just let my girls make this sacrifice and then tell them I would not do the same, so as much as I really like my long hair...I went under the scissors as well.
Cari before...But if you want to see how I look, you will just have to see me in person...


Mommy pfohl said...

Oh you are so so very wrong!!!! I'm mad at you! That was awful! You can't do that!!!!!!! Ewww!!! ok, this really is hate mail! I'm really REALLY rEaLlY mad at you!!!!! Can you feel my temper... you and I are going to tangle when I see you! Oh, by the way, those girls look ADORABLE!!! I love the new cuts. Very very cute. You however... just wait and see!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sheila said...

Wow! How brave your girls are! They look so different with short hair! Dora cut her hair really short, didn't she? How many inches did she cut off? Were your girls nervous at all? I'd love to see how the back of their hair turned out! Thank you!

Cari said...

Tobi cut off about 14 inches, Dora cut off about 13 inches, and I cut off about 17 inches. I will have to post pictures of the back of their hair tomorrow, I did not even think of those pictures. They were both very excited, they were only nervous when I first told them how short their hair would be, after that they were just very excited about getting it done. Thanks!

Mommy pfohl said...

Can I just see your hair??? Geeezzzzz!!!!!!!!!! I'll even look at it from the back if you'll post it! ;)

Anonymous said...

Good for you and your girls! They look so cute with short hair! Love Dora's hair! It's so short and it looks cute with the headband! What a big change! They must have been nervous! Are they going to keep it short or grow it out to donate to locks of love again? I'd love to see pics of the back of their haircuts, too!!!

Anonymous said...

That's a lot of hair donated! What a big change! The short haircuts look cute! Love Dora's new afro look with the headband! Their hair is so short now! Are they going to keep it short or grow it out to donate to locks of love again?

Anonymous said...

The new hairdos are very pretty on all of you! What a neat thing to be able to do! You just made a wonderful memory for you and your girls to share!

Coby said...

The girls look so cute with their short hair! That's adorable!