Monday, September 3, 2007

Talking, talking and more talking...

Ok, I am a very talkative person. My hubby will gladly tell anyone who asks, I change subjects easily and switch back again without missing a beat. One nice thing about all this, is that with 4 kids (who are all very talkative just like their mother), I can easily have multiple conversations going on, especially after school. But still, I feel that I am way too talkative. There are days I think to myself...just stop talking....really, shut up right now. But what really makes matters worse for me, is all the things I think that I want to say, but I just never get the chance. I have always told my husband if he could see all the things I think about saying, but don't, he would be so impressed with my restraint. Of course, this works against me too, because I will sometimes have a conversation in my mind, think I said it out loud, and then wonder why my hubby does not know what I am talking about. Makes you wonder how he has put up with me all these years.

I must say, this all use to really bug me. I would be talking to a person, and talking...and talking, I would think to myself, I am driving this poor person crazy. I started praying more that I would become the kind of person that didn't say much, was just quiet and blended with the background and not very noticeable. I prayed almost every day for week or so for this, when I heard very clearly, "that is not how I made you." I guess God made me this way for a purpose, I can go on talking after all....Maybe I will just take it easy on that new person I am chatting with and give them a chance to talk, maybe?

1 comment:

Mommy pfohl said...

WEll, you can call and talk to me any day because girl, we got the same problem! =)