Sunday, August 31, 2008

Feeling Good!

I spent all day yesterday getting the garage cleaned up and reorganized. Dwayne is a neat freak, I am a pack rat...the two rarely mix well. My hubby puts up with my pack ratishness, and I have been trying really hard to give up more and more stuff as I find that I don't need it. Yesterday, I threw away stuff, I packed up a whole van load of stuff and took it to Goodwill. In the process I gave my hubby some much needed working space in his garage. We had moved a whole bunch of things out to the garage when we thought we would be moving, but seeing how that is not looking like it is going to happen, we need to decide how we want our house to look, what we want brought back and what we don't want brought back in. It felt good to show him all my hard work last night. It paid off well for me, he gave me many compliments of how nice it looked and he is out there right now working on our tent poles for the canvas tent we will be using at 1812. Now today it is hard to get myself motivated to


Unknown said...

I'm doing my fall cleaning already. I've lived in the same house for 30 years and it's unbelievable how much stuff you can accumulate. There's no Goodwill in our town so most of my stuff goes to the Senior Center, (they have a resale store like GW), and some went to New Orleans. So far, I've made two trips and I'm just getting started! It's pathetic....

Keym said...

Bonus points to you for using the word ratishness!