Sunday, March 2, 2008

Back to Reality...

Well, I had a wonderful anniversary with my hubby. We went to the big city, spent the night, and had a fun day just hanging out together. We went to a really fancy restaurant on Friday night and it was fabulous. The food was so good, it was hard to even imagine eating anything else ever again. But then again, you do have to eat again and where else do you start a fun Saturday with no kids....Starbucks of course. After we got our coffee we walked around the fashion mall before the stores were actually open. That can be really quiet and huge crowds to fight. No wondering if I want to buy this or that, because...hey...the store isn't even Dwayne and I did get some new stuff, I got new Doc Martens, my most favorite shoe...the shoes I live in practically, and Dwayne got some cool new boots. Finding shoes for Dwayne is always a challenge, he does not have small feet and most stores rarely carry his size or at least not much style in his size, but he did find a pair...a cool pair. All this before we had to come back home and pick up the kiddos. I owe a big thank you to Brian Cline for filling in at the A/V booth in a pinch on Saturday night. I got home too late to be there. He deserves a huge pat on the back for all he does.

Dwayne and I got home late Saturday night and some friends came over just to chill. They had a long day as well and the kids really enjoyed just hanging out together. Us adults tried our hand at an 80's music Scene It game. Wow...that was a lot harder than I thought it would be.

Today poor Dwayne was back to the grindstone working hard. Tomorrow I start back to the grindstone, back to the 6:30am wake up calls for the kiddos, back to a huge pile of laundry and then also cleaning out the messy piles I have hidden all over my house, since I still have not found my church keys...seriously, if anyone finds a set of keys with the 40 days of community bible verses on them, let me know...they might be mine.

PS. Thank you to everyone who wished us a Happy Anniversary!!!

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