Friday, May 9, 2008

A lazy day...

Do you ever have those days that you just seem to do nothing? They usually come after an extended time of working hard, you meet the deadline, and then you just crash. Like for some odd reason, your body just says....Nope...Not doing anything today. I kept thinking of all kinds of things that should have been done yesterday, but I was not able to actually motivate myself to do any of them. I did go visit a good friend yesterday, that was good. It was just nice to be out of my house. I even went to an A/V meeting, that took a lot, I really just wanted to stay holed up in my house. I really like my A/V meetings. It is nice knowing what is going on before things happen, just to sit and trade ideas on how to make things easier or run smoother. Also, it just builds some great relationships if you meet regularly with those you volunteer with, I really enjoy it. I was reminded last night that I have it very good at this church, that I probably won't be this spoiled at whatever church we go to next and that we should just stay here. People just don't know what they are missing when they don't volunteer somewhere in the church, you really get to know people better, you feel more connected to the church and it is just so much fun. I have WAY too much fun volunteering. And in the A/V department it is a great group of volunteers!!!!!

But today it is back to work. Tobi and I will be heading out to the garage, packing, sorting and just going through lots of stuff. I really am hoping to get rid of some stuff that is just not needed anymore. Right now with the house being so empty it makes us think, maybe...just maybe, we have way too much stuff. Even Tobi has been picking up on this, since I have narrowed her down to just a few toys. She has been playing with a small tea set that she is loving, so I think we are going work on getting rid of all those extra play dishes that she really does not need any more. I really love watching her learn that we don't need everything under the sun to play with in order to be happy. Less IS More...


Shelby-Grace said...

hi Tobi!(That's from Shelby!) I think I need Tobi to come over and give Shelby a few lessons in the "less is more" department! We struggle with that. ALOT! But we are working on it!

Mommy pfohl said...

You know, we learned less is more. 4 months of having 1/2 our stuff packed really payed off... I got rid of TONS of stuff and there is still more going out the door! Abby is starting to get it too! She keeps bringing me things going "You know mommy, my room is really full. Maybe we should let this toy go." YEAH!!! I love it when they get it! :) There is just something to realizing clutter makes it harder to survive and less is actaully more! You know what you have! :)